Booking: Milking Massage, Sensual Domination, VIP Escorts

Now that you have gone over my rates for elite companionship, milking table massage, and sensual domination, please take the time to introduce yourself and let me know—without being explicit—how I can best meet your needs. Note that I won’t agree on a rendezvous with you without a properly filled-in booking form - NO EXCEPTIONS! You may also want to read my FAQ page and about etiquette to ensure a smooth process and enjoyable experience. If you’d like to watch videos of the actual experience in my incall, you may want to sign up for my Patreon.

By clicking the “submit” button above you agree to send a $100 deposit.
Appointments longer than 1 hour require 20% deposit.

Please remember to write “consultation” in memo section when making an electronic payment by one of the methods below:

Apple Pay: 917-913-6513

Venmo : @sosoleil

CashApp: $stormitime

Wishlist: LUXYLIST

If I cannot make a date, I refund 100% of the deposit or retain it for future date.