Sensual Healing, Lingam Massage, Tantra Massage NYC

Feet Treats & Cheeky Peeks: Tantra Massage NYC Style!

Tantra Massage NYC

Indulge in a transformative escape with the “Mary Magdalene” version of my Tantra Massage NYC, a serene experience that combines ancient rituals with sensual allure. Allow yourself to unwind as your feet are bathed in an authentic Egyptian copper bowl, brimming with warm, re-mineralizing waters infused with rose petals, jasmine, and chamomile. This 25-minute ceremony includes an invigorating sugar foot scrub followed by a gentle cleansing. Experience relaxation on a deeper level as I, adorned only in a skimpy linen waist cloth, lead you through a blend of zone reflexology, exfoliation, and traditional massage techniques, enhanced with warm stones. The session culminates in a nourishing foot butter mask, leaving you thoroughly rejuvenated. For an elevated experience, consider the limited-time upgrade (+$200) which includes a milking massage at my Westchester pleasure palace. Discover the extensive benefits of this treatment on my blog, and step into a realm of exquisite pampering fit for a king.

Tantra Massage New York